We Need Volunteers
Unit 43, Lake St. Louis, Lachine, currently has openings for both on and off water members. Lifeboat crews are our most visible members - but a backbone of dedicated on-shore members help keep our rescue vessels running. Volunteering with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is a vastly rewarding experience. Bringing heightened levels of training and experiences for our crews and the life-altering taste of what it means to make a real difference in the community to all our members.
Imagine the feeling... to save a life.
Join CCGA 43 and make a real difference in the community
The thing you may not realize is how many different ways one can help. We have openings for on and off water members. Lifeboat crews are our most visible members - but a backbone of dedicated on-shore members help keep our rescue vessels running. Volunteering with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is a vastly rewarding experience. Bringing heightened levels of training and experiences for our crews and the life-altering taste of what it means to make a real difference to all our members. If you are already convinced enough click join CCGA Unit 43
The Job
Members of Unit 43 work to provide a 365/24/7 marine search and rescue service and promote boating safety in our area. Our group is entirely composed of volunteers, both on and off the water, who work to these ends. Our volunteer Search and Rescue (SAR) crew members train to the same standards as professional Coast Guard crews and experience many of the same unique opportunities and experiences. Working in an “on-call' structure similar to that of a volunteer fire department, crew members are on-duty one night per week and approximately one weekend in six. Taskings are issued by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) in Trenton, which is the coordinating authority for all search and rescue operations in Quebec/Ontario. If you are already convinced enough click join CCGA Unit 43
Our Vessel
We currently operate a 21-foot Mako center console boat with twin 90hp Mercruiser outboards that can power our vessel at speeds of up to 25 knots. Our recovery vessel (known as Auxiliary 1245) is fully equipped for towing and patient recovery. We can take our boat close in to shore allowing crews to quickly get onto land or rocks as the situation requires, or, come alongside a stricken vessel to board or take-off crew. Our crews are trained to navigate the vessel at night or in significant adverse weather conditions. If you are already convinced enough click join CCGA Unit 43
Our Members
Our members are all unpaid volunteers. Generally they are boaters with experience of the local waters. Some are commercial mariners, but most are ordinary local men and women from a wide-range of backgrounds and occupations who all share a common passion for boating safety and the desire to “put something back” into the local community. We accept applications from fit and active men and women over the age of 18, with a sense of adventure and a desire to serve. We currently have a total of 18 persons in our Unit, but are constantly seeking to build up our membership. If you are already convinced enough click join CCGA Unit 43
Benefits of Membership
Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers will tell you that the feeling they have after their first rescue operation goes deep and is unforgettable.
As a member you will receive:
• Professional level of training in fast boat handling and navigation
• Recognition in the community
• A feeling of camaraderie that comes from knowing that you are together, as a team, truly making a difference
• The best and most practical on the water training that will make you a safer boater
Being part of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is not only rewarding, it is fun. We train hard but we have fun doing it. You become part of a world-wide team of Search and Rescue volunteers and professionals that all work together to save lives on the water. If you are already convinced enough click join CCGA Unit 43
I'm Interested - Tell Me More...
If you are interested in what we do and potentially joining us, have a look at the following details of membership and commitment required as a member of Unit 43 and download an online copy of the Unit 43 application form.
Details & Signup
Please download and read this
CCGA Unit 43 application form first . If you think you qualify and wish to join Unit 43, please fill in the form and send or email it to the address on the form and wait for a response from us.
If you are interested you may down load and read the following. Please do not take any other action until you here from us, at which time you may be asked to read / fill in these forms